Message from the Chancellor: 2023 commencement rescheduled for spring 2021
The commemorative virtual event from May 17 is posted at:
Commencement App
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The University of Kansas holds one Commencement ceremony each spring. Ceremonies such as Graduate Hooding, school, department and special program recognitions are scheduled in advance of Commencement. ROTC Commissioning ceremonies are conducted following the conferral of degrees after Commencement. Please refer to the “Events” tab to determine time and location. Students with questions regarding logistics or eligibility should contact their school or department directly.
All academic regalia, including mortarboard or tam, gown, tassels and hoods, can be purchased through the KU Bookstore. KU Bookstores on all campuses carry academic attire.
Each fall and spring the KU Bookstore holds Grad Fairs and graduates are encouraged to attend and purchase regalia, announcements, diploma frames, etc
Graduates from each of the 13 schools and college line up along Memorial Drive. Please refer to the “MAP” to determine which side of the Memorial Campanile your school/college is listed.
This is also good information to share with your family, friends or guests if they choose to line the sidewalks leading to Memorial Stadium.
When the procession begins, graduates should follow the University Marshal (dressed in blue ceremonial regalia) instructions through the Memorial Campanile, down the Hill, into Memorial Stadium, through the photo tents, and down the center of the football field to the seating area on the west side.
Graduates are encouraged participate in the entire Commencement ceremony, but if a graduate chooses to leave early, please go through the entire walk and then leave. Departing at any other point of the procession causes a disruption for other graduates.
Lawrence Campus
Graduates can pick up their diploma at the Office of the University Registrar, KU Visitor Center, 15th and Iowa after July 15. The Registrar’s Office will contact graduates when diplomas are ready for pick-up. A photo ID will be required.
Edwards Campus
Graduates must complete a “Diploma Request Form” at the Regents Center front desk. The Registrar’s Office will contact graduates when diplomas are ready for pick-up. A photo ID will be required.
KU Medical Center
M.D. graduates will receive their diplomas during the School of Medicine hooding ceremony.
Graduates can pick up their diploma and/or certificates at the Office of the Registrar, 3014 Student Center after July 1. A photo ID will be required.
Mailing of Diplomas (Lawrence, Edwards and KU Medical Center)3️⃣6️⃣9️⃣📶|̲̅S̲̅V̲̅I̲̅P̲̅|: 就是那个白色的屏没有出 ...:2 天前 · 就是那个白色的屏没有出出来那个数字,但是刚才提示了一下,刚才那个账号在洛杉矶要登录,让我确认,我没确认,最后自己退出了。 - 3️⃣6️⃣9️⃣📶|̲̅S̲̅V̲̅I̲̅P̲̅| 說在 社群 Shadowrocket 在 2021年6月16日星 …
Additional information or questions can be directed to the Office of the University Registrar:
Reminder: Diplomas will not be provided for graduates with financial and/or other obligations to the University of Kansas
The date for Commencement is shadowsock下载 ios, in Memorial Stadium on the Lawrence campus.
The ceremony is approximately 2 hours in length. Beginning at 10:30, graduates will participate in the traditional walk down the hill, followed by a program culminating in the conferral of degrees by Chancellor Douglas A. Girod.
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Family, friends or guests do not need tickets to attend Commencement.
Names of graduates are not read during the ceremony, nor are diplomas presented at Commencement.
Depending on which event you are attending, please refer to the parking information under "Guests". You may also want to refer to the "Accessibility" information for Memorial Stadium.
Alma Mater (Crimson and the Blue)
Far above the golden valley
Glorious to view,
Stands our noble Alma Mater,
Towering toward the blue.
Lift the chorus ever onward,
Crimson and the blue
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
Hail to old KU.
Far above the distant humming
Of the busy town,
Reared against the dome of heaven,
Looks she proudly down.
Greet we then our foster mother,
Noble friend so true,
We will ever sing her praises,
Hail to old KU.
See all FAQs
- Parking is plentiful and complimentary. Streets and lots will be congested, so allow at least 45 minutes for parking and walking to David Booth Kansas Memorial Stadium, or if you are taking advantage of shuttle service.
- Tickets are not required for guests, and there are no graduate fees.
- Degree candidates for spring 2023 and those who received degrees in summer or fall 2023 are encouraged to participate.
- Graduates do not walk across a stage, nor are names read or diplomas presented.
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